Be, Bar, Bat or B’Nai Mitzvah

Mazel Tov!  Soon your child will become a Be Mitzvah (we use this non-gendered term for the event in general, and for the person, the use of the term Be, Bar, Bat or B’Nai Mitzvah for your event will be decided by your family). 

This is an exciting time for your family!  There is so much to think about, and so much to do.  We created this handbook to guide you through the process at Temple Ohev Sholom. We hope that it makes your planning a little easier and a lot more meaningful. Our goal is to make this a wonderful experience for the entire family. Please feel free to contact either of us at any time with questions or concerns. 

It is our job to make sure that your child is properly trained to lead the congregation in prayer and, more so, is ready to take on the responsibilities of growing a meaningful and relevant adult Jewish life.

We will guide you on this journey, below are a list of helpful links which provide more specific information on the process for Being Mitzvah here at Temple Ohev Sholom.  We encourage you to explore this and/or to reach out to us at any point. We would love to hear from you! 

What is a Be Mitzvah? 

Basic Requirements and Timeline 

Service Outline 


Checklist and Service Worksheet



For our Be Mitzvah Families – you can access the complete Family Guide here and the complete Service Packet here


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