Shabbat services are held every Friday night and many Saturday mornings. Temple Ohev Sholom conducts a variety of services each month to address the needs and desires of all congregants. Friday night services are held most often at 6:00PM in the main sanctuary, and in the event of changes, the timing can be found on this calendar. Special Shabbat services are conducted throughout the year (Klezmer services, services honoring Jewish festivals, and services honoring special groups of the congregation). Timing can be found on the calendar. Saturday morning services are conducted for B’nai Mitzvah ceremonies and for Tot Shabbat.
For the most up to date schedule of religious services, please refer to the calendar of events by clicking here
For information on Tot Shabbat, click here
Would you like to be a part of the group that puts on a Friday night Shabbat Service? We’d love to have you participate as a Shabbat candle lighter, usher, announcements readers, or another meaningful part of the service by doing a reading. We’ve made it easy to sign up at www.