Our Leadership 2023-2024


The Board of Trustees meets on the second Thursday of each month, either in person at the Temple, or virtually. The meeting is open and we welcome all members to attend and participate. Contact the board [email protected] if you have items you would like added to the agenda, and to confirm the location or virtual link to attend the meeting.

Position Role First Name Last Name Term  
Exec Board of Trustees President Audrey Miner 2022-2024 Audrey Miner
Exec Board of Trustees President-Elect Daniel Green 2022-2024
Exec Board of Trustees Vice President Ari Nepon 2022-2024 Ari Nepon
Exec Board of Trustees Vice President Tim Carre 2023-2025
Exec Board of Trustees Financial Secretary Erika Saunders 2023-2025
Exec Board of Trustees Secretary Elissa Arch 2022-2024 Elissa Arch
Exec Board of Trustees Treasurer April Hutcheson Interim Appointment to Fill Open Role from Nov 2023- June 2024
Exec Board of Trustees Immediate Past President Rob Teplitz 2022-20224
Board of Trustees Trustee Linda Stewart Presidential Appointee. Term expires with current President in 2024.
Board of Trustees Trustee Irith Harpster Presidential Appointee. Term expires with current President in 2024.
Board of Trustees Trustee David Geller 2022-2024
Board of Trustees Trustee April Hutcheson 2022-2024
Board of Trustees Trustee Monica Lutkins 2023-2026 (3 year)
Board of Trustees Trustee Cindy Lynch 2022-2025 Cindy Lynch
Board of Trustees Trustee Richard Sgrignoli 2021-2024 (3 year)
Board of Trustees Trustee Dara Bourassa 2023-2025
Board of Trustees Trustee Eileen Forman 2023-2025
Board of Trustees Trustee Jonathan Hjelm 2023-2026 (3 year)
Sisterhood Sisterhood Co-Presidents Reyna Jose Board seat is guaranteed per bylaws while President of Sisterhood.
Sisterhood Sisterhood Co-Presidents Jeanette Krebs Board seat is guaranteed per bylaws while President of Sisterhood.
Committee Chair Ad Hoc By Laws committee April Hutcheson
Committee Chair Ad Hoc Rabbinic Search/Transition Committee Bruce Feldman
Committee Chair Ad Hoc Rabbinic Search/Transition Committee Shelley Adler
Committee Chair Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Open Open
Committee Chair Caring Committee Irith Harpster
Committee Chair Endowment/Leave a Legacy Program Ari Nepon
Committee Chair Facilities/House Tim Carre
Committee Chair Finance Open Open
Committee Chair Information Technology Ari Nepon
Committee Chair Membership and Outreach Eileen Forman
Committee Chair Program Open Open
Committee Chair Publicity Dara Bourassa
Committee Chair Religious School Jonathan Hjelm
Committee Chair Social Action Open Open
Committee Chair Worship Monica Lutkins
Committee Chair Bulletin Cindy Lynch
Committee Chair Fundraising Open Open
Committee Chair Investment Committee Ari Nepon
Committee Chair Personnel Dan Green
Committee Chair Youth Activities Open Open
Committee Chair Cemetery Rich Sgrignoli

Previous Year Leadership (2022-2023)

To get involved, please contact the temple office or our board president. We would love to have you! Details about our governance and operations, including descriptions of all of the committees, can be found in our bylaws.

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